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13.7.1 The Package System.Storage_Elements
Static Semantics
The following language-defined
library package exists:
package System.Storage_Elements is
pragma Preelaborate(System.Storage_Elements);
type Storage_Offset is range implementation-defined;
subtype Storage_Count is Storage_Offset range 0..Storage_Offset'Last;
type Storage_Element is mod implementation-defined;
for Storage_Element'Size use Storage_Unit;
type Storage_Array is array
(Storage_Offset range <>) of aliased Storage_Element;
for Storage_Array'Component_Size use Storage_Unit;
-- {address
(arithmetic)} Address Arithmetic:
function "+"(Left : Address; Right : Storage_Offset)
return Address;
function "+"(Left : Storage_Offset; Right : Address)
return Address;
function "-"(Left : Address; Right : Storage_Offset)
return Address;
function "-"(Left, Right : Address)
return Storage_Offset;
function "mod"(Left : Address; Right : Storage_Offset)
return Storage_Offset;
-- Conversion to/from integers:
type Integer_Address is implementation-defined;
function To_Address(Value : Integer_Address) return Address;
function To_Integer(Value : Address) return Integer_Address;
pragma Convention(Intrinsic, "+");
-- ...and so on for all language-defined subprograms declared in this package.
end System.Storage_Elements;
Reason: The Convention
pragmas imply that the attribute
Access is not allowed for those operations.
The mod function is needed
so that the definition of Alignment makes sense.
Storage_Element represents a storage element.
Storage_Offset represents an offset in storage elements. Storage_Count
represents a number of storage elements.
representation [partial]} {discontiguous
representation [partial]} Storage_Array
represents a contiguous sequence of storage elements.
Reason: The index subtype
of Storage_Array is Storage_Offset because we wish to allow maximum flexibility.
Most Storage_Arrays will probably have a lower bound of 0 or 1, but other
lower bounds, including negative ones, make sense in some situations.
Note that there are some language-defined
subprograms that fill part of a Storage_Array, and return the index of the last
element filled as a Storage_Offset. The Read procedures in Streams (see 13.13.1),
Streams.Stream_IO (see A.12.1), and System.RPC
(see E.5) behave in this manner. These will raise
Constraint_Error if the resulting Last value is not in Storage_Offset. This
implies that the Storage_Array passed to these subprograms should not have a
lower bound of Storage_Offset'First, because then a read of 0 elements would
always raise Constraint_Error. A better choice of lower bound is 1.
Integer_Address is a [(signed or modular)] integer
subtype. To_Address and To_Integer convert back and forth between this
type and Address.
Implementation Requirements
Storage_Offset'Last shall be greater than or
equal to Integer'Last or the largest possible storage offset, whichever
is smaller. Storage_Offset'First shall be <= (-Storage_Offset'Last).
Implementation Permissions
Package System.Storage_Elements may be declared
Implementation Advice
Operations in System and its children should
reflect the target environment semantics as closely as is reasonable.
For example, on most machines, it makes sense for address arithmetic
to ``wrap around.''
{Program_Error (raised by failure
of run-time check)} Operations that do
not make sense should raise Program_Error.
Discussion: For example,
on a segmented architecture, X < Y might raise Program_Error if X
and Y do not point at the same segment (assuming segments are unordered).
Similarly, on a segmented architecture, the conversions between Integer_Address
and Address might not make sense for some values, and so might raise
Reason: We considered making
Storage_Element a private type. However, it is better to declare it as
a modular type in the visible part, since code that uses it is already
low level, and might as well have access to the underlying representation.
We also considered allowing Storage_Element to be any integer type, signed
integer or modular, but it is better to have uniformity across implementations
in this regard, and viewing storage elements as unsigned seemed to make
the most sense.
Implementation Note: To_Address
is intended for use in Address clauses. Implementations should overload
To_Address if appropriate. For example, on a segmented architecture,
it might make sense to have a record type representing a segment/offset
pair, and have a To_Address conversion that converts from that record
type to type Address.
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