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3.9.3 Abstract Types and Subprograms

An abstract type is a tagged type intended for use as a parent type for type extensions, but which is not allowed to have objects of its own. An abstract subprogram is a subprogram that has no body, but is intended to be overridden at some point when inherited. Because objects of an abstract type cannot be created, a dispatching call to an abstract subprogram always dispatches to some overriding body.
Legality Rules
An abstract type is a specific type that has the reserved word abstract in its declaration. Only a tagged type is allowed to be declared abstract.
A subprogram declared by an abstract_subprogram_declaration (see 6.1) is an abstract subprogram. If it is a primitive subprogram of a tagged type, then the tagged type shall be abstract.
For a derived type, if the parent or ancestor type has an abstract primitive subprogram, or a primitive function with a controlling result, then:
A call on an abstract subprogram shall be a dispatching call; nondispatching calls to an abstract subprogram are not allowed.
The type of an aggregate, or of an object created by an object_declaration or an allocator, or a generic formal object of mode in, shall not be abstract. The type of the target of an assignment operation (see 5.2) shall not be abstract. The type of a component shall not be abstract. If the result type of a function is abstract, then the function shall be abstract.
If a partial view is not abstract, the corresponding full view shall not be abstract. If a generic formal type is abstract, then for each primitive subprogram of the formal that is not abstract, the corresponding primitive subprogram of the actual shall not be abstract.
For an abstract type declared in a visible part, an abstract primitive subprogram shall not be declared in the private part, unless it is overriding an abstract subprogram implicitly declared in the visible part. For a tagged type declared in a visible part, a primitive function with a controlling result shall not be declared in the private part, unless it is overriding a function implicitly declared in the visible part.
A generic actual subprogram shall not be an abstract subprogram. The prefix of an attribute_reference for the Access, Unchecked_Access, or Address attributes shall not denote an abstract subprogram.

Example of an abstract type representing a set of natural numbers:
       package Sets is
           subtype Element_Type is Natural;
           type Set is abstract tagged null record;
           function Empty return Set is abstract;
           function Union(Left, Right : Set) return Set is abstract;
           function Intersection(Left, Right : Set) return Set is abstract;
           function Unit_Set(Element : Element_Type) return Set is abstract;
           procedure Take(Element : out Element_Type; From : in out Set) is abstract;
       end Sets;


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