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9.5.1 Protected Subprograms and Protected Actions

A protected subprogram is a subprogram declared immediately within a protected_definition. Protected procedures provide exclusive read-write access to the data of a protected object; protected functions provide concurrent read-only access to the data.
Static Semantics
Within the body of a protected function (or a function declared immediately within a protected_body), the current instance of the enclosing protected unit is defined to be a constant (that is, its subcomponents may be read but not updated). Within the body of a protected procedure (or a procedure declared immediately within a protected_body), and within an entry_body, the current instance is defined to be a variable (updating is permitted).
Dynamic Semantics
For the execution of a call on a protected subprogram, the evaluation of the name or prefix and of the parameter associations, and any assigning back of in out or out parameters, proceeds as for a normal subprogram call (see 6.4). If the call is an internal call (see 9.5), the body of the subprogram is executed as for a normal subprogram call. If the call is an external call, then the body of the subprogram is executed as part of a new protected action on the target protected object; the protected action completes after the body of the subprogram is executed. A protected action can also be started by an entry call (see 9.5.3).
A new protected action is not started on a protected object while another protected action on the same protected object is underway, unless both actions are the result of a call on a protected function. This rule is expressible in terms of the execution resource associated with the protected object:
After performing an operation on a protected object other than a call on a protected function, but prior to completing the associated protected action, the entry queues (if any) of the protected object are serviced (see 9.5.3).
Bounded (Run-Time) Errors
During a protected action, it is a bounded error to invoke an operation that is potentially blocking. The following are defined to be potentially blocking operations:
If the bounded error is detected, Program_Error is raised. If not detected, the bounded error might result in deadlock or a (nested) protected action on the same target object.
Certain language-defined subprograms are potentially blocking. In particular, the subprograms of the language-defined input-output packages that manipulate files (implicitly or explicitly) are potentially blocking. Other potentially blocking subprograms are identified where they are defined. When not specified as potentially blocking, a language-defined subprogram is nonblocking.

Examples of protected subprogram calls (see 9.4):
       Shared_Array.Set_Component(N, E);
       E := Shared_Array.Component(M);

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