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13.5.3 Bit Ordering

The Bit_Order attribute specifies the interpretation of the storage place attributes.
Static Semantics
A bit ordering is a method of interpreting the meaning of the storage place attributes. High_Order_First (known in the vernacular as ``big endian'') means that the first bit of a storage element (bit 0) is the most significant bit (interpreting the sequence of bits that represent a component as an unsigned integer value). Low_Order_First (known in the vernacular as ``little endian'') means the opposite: the first bit is the least significant.
For every specific record subtype S, the following attribute is defined:
If Word_Size = Storage_Unit, the default bit ordering is implementation defined. If Word_Size > Storage_Unit, the default bit ordering is the same as the ordering of storage elements in a word, when interpreted as an integer.
The storage place attributes of a component of a type are interpreted according to the bit ordering of the type.
Implementation Advice
The recommended level of support for the nondefault bit ordering is:

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