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D.4 Entry Queuing Policies

This clause specifies a mechanism for a user to choose an entry queuing policy. It also defines one such policy. Other policies are implementation defined.
         pragma Queuing_Policy(policy_identifier);
Legality Rules
The policy_identifier shall be either FIFO_Queuing, Priority_Queuing or an implementation-defined identifier.
Post-Compilation Rules
A Queuing_Policy pragma is a configuration pragma.
Dynamic Semantics
A queuing policy governs the order in which tasks are queued for entry service, and the order in which different entry queues are considered for service. The queuing policy is specified by a Queuing_Policy pragma.
Two queuing policies, FIFO_Queuing and Priority_Queuing, are language defined. If no Queuing_Policy pragma appears in any of the program units comprising the partition, the queuing policy for that partition is FIFO_Queuing. The rules for this policy are specified in 9.5.3 and 9.7.1.
The Priority_Queuing policy is defined as follows:
Implementation Permissions
Implementations are allowed to define other queuing policies, but need not support more than one such policy per partition.
Implementation Advice
The implementation should use names that end with ``_Queuing'' for implementation-defined queuing policies.

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