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D.9 Delay Accuracy

This clause specifies performance requirements for the delay_statement. The rules apply both to delay_relative_statement and to delay_until_statement. Similarly, they apply equally to a simple delay_statement and to one which appears in a delay_alternative.
Dynamic Semantics
The effect of the delay_statement for Real_Time.Time is defined in terms of Real_Time.Clock:
A simple delay_statement with a negative or zero value for the expiration time does not cause the calling task to be blocked; it is nevertheless a potentially blocking operation (see 9.5.1).
When a delay_statement appears in a delay_alternative of a timed_entry_call the selection of the entry call is attempted, regardless of the specified expiration time. When a delay_statement appears in a selective_accept_alternative, and a call is queued on one of the open entries, the selection of that entry call proceeds, regardless of the value of the delay expression.
Documentation Requirements
The implementation shall document the minimum value of the delay expression of a delay_relative_statement that causes the task to actually be blocked.
The implementation shall document the minimum difference between the value of the delay expression of a delay_until_statement and the value of Real_Time.Clock, that causes the task to actually be blocked.
The implementation shall document the following metrics:


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