Ada 95 Index: L
- L_Brace
- J.5(6)
- L_Bracket
- J.5(6)
- label
- 5.1(7)
- used 5.1(3), P(1)
- language
- interface to assembly C.1(4)
- interface to non-Ada B(1)
- language-defined check
- 11.5(2), 11.6(1)
- language-defined class
- [partial] 3.2(10)
- of types 3.2(2)
- Language-Defined Library Units
- A(1)
- Ada A.2(2)
- Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control D.11(3)
- Ada.Calendar 9.6(10)
- Ada.Characters A.3.1(2)
- Ada.Characters.Handling A.3.2(2)
- Ada.Characters.Latin_1 A.3.3(3)
- Ada.Command_Line A.15(3)
- Ada.Decimal F.2(2)
- Ada.Direct_IO A.8.4(2),
- Ada.Dynamic_Priorities D.5(3)
- Ada.Exceptions 11.4.1(2)
- Ada.Finalization 7.6(4)
- Ada.Float_Text_IO A.10.9(32)
- Ada.Float_Wide_Text_IO A.11(3)
- Ada.Integer_Text_IO A.10.8(20)
- Ada.Integer_Wide_Text_IO A.11(3)
- Ada.Interrupts C.3.2(2)
- Ada.Interrupts.Names C.3.2(12)
- Ada.IO_Exceptions A.13(3)
- Ada.Numerics A.5(3)
- Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions G.1.2(9)
- Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types G.1.1(25)
- Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random A.5.2(17)
- Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions A.5.1(9)
- Ada.Numerics.Float_Random A.5.2(5)
- Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions
- Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types G.1.1(2)
- Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions A.5.1(3)
- Ada.Real_Time D.8(3)
- Ada.Sequential_IO A.8.1(2)
- Ada.Storage_IO A.9(3)
- Ada.Streams 13.13.1(2)
- Ada.Streams.Stream_IO A.12.1(3)
- Ada.Strings A.4.1(3)
- Ada.Strings.Bounded A.4.4(3)
- Ada.Strings.Fixed A.4.3(5)
- Ada.Strings.Maps A.4.2(3)
- Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants A.4.6(3)
- Ada.Strings.Unbounded A.4.5(3)
- Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded A.4.7(1)
- Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed A.4.7(1)
- Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps A.4.7(3)
- Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps.Wide_Constants A.4.7(1)
- Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded A.4.7(1)
- Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control D.10(3)
- Ada.Tags 3.9(6)
- Ada.Task_Attributes C.7.2(2)
- Ada.Task_Identification C.7.1(2)
- Ada.Text_IO A.10.1(2)
- Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO G.1.3(3)
- Ada.Text_IO.Editing F.3.3(3)
- Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams A.12.2(3)
- Ada.Unchecked_Conversion 13.9(3)
- Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation 13.11.2(3)
- Ada.Wide_Text_IO A.11(2)
- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Complex_IO G.1.4(1)
- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Editing F.3.4(1)
- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Text_Streams A.12.3(3)
- Interfaces B.2(3)
- Interfaces.C B.3(4)
- Interfaces.C.Pointers B.3.2(4)
- Interfaces.C.Strings B.3.1(3)
- Interfaces.COBOL B.4(7)
- Interfaces.Fortran B.5(4)
- Standard A.1(4)
- System 13.7(3)
- System.Address_To_Access_Conversions 13.7.2(2)
- System.Machine_Code 13.8(7)
- System.RPC E.5(3)
- System.Storage_Elements 13.7.1(2)
- System.Storage_Pools 13.11(5)
- Language-Defined Types
- Address, in System 13.7(12)
- Alignment, in Ada.Strings A.4.1(6)
- Alphanumeric, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(16)
- Attribute_Handle, in Ada.Task_Attributes C.7.2(3)
- Binary, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(10)
- Binary_Format, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(24)
- Bit_Order, in System 13.7(15)
- Boolean, in Standard A.1(5)
- Bounded_String, in Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length
- Byte, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(29)
- Byte_Array, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(29)
- C_float, in Interfaces.C B.3(15)
- char, in Interfaces.C B.3(19)
- char_array, in Interfaces.C B.3(23)
- char_array_access, in Interfaces.C B.3.1(4)
- Character, in Standard A.1(35)
- Character_Set, in Ada.Strings.Maps A.4.2(4)
- chars_ptr, in Interfaces.C B.3.1(5)
- chars_ptr_array, in Interfaces.C B.3.1(6)
- COBOL_Character, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(13)
- Complex, in Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types
- Controlled, in Ada.Finalization 7.6(5)
- Count, in Ada.Direct_IO A.8.4(4)
- Count, in Ada.Text_IO A.10.1(5)
- Decimal_Element, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(12)
- Direction, in Ada.Strings A.4.1(6)
- Display_Format, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(22)
- double, in Interfaces.C B.3(16)
- Duration, in Standard A.1(43)
- Exception_Occurrence, in Ada.Exceptions 11.4.1(3)
- Exception_Occurrence_Access, in Ada.Exceptions
- Exception_Id, in Ada.Exceptions 11.4.1(2)
- File_Mode, in Ada.Direct_IO A.8.4(4)
- File_Mode, in Ada.Sequential_IO A.8.1(4)
- File_Mode, in Ada.Text_IO A.10.1(4)
- File_Type, in Ada.Direct_IO A.8.4(3)
- File_Type, in Ada.Sequential_IO A.8.1(3)
- File_Type, in Ada.Text_IO A.10.1(3)
- Float, in Standard A.1(21)
- Floating, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(9)
- Generator, in Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random A.5.2(19)
- Generator, in Ada.Numerics.Float_Random A.5.2(7)
- Imaginary, in Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types
- int, in Interfaces.C B.3(7)
- Integer, in Standard A.1(12)
- Integer_Address, in System.Storage_Elements 13.7.1(10)
- Interrupt_ID, in Ada.Interrupts C.3.2(2)
- Limited_Controlled, in Ada.Finalization 7.6(7)
- long, in Interfaces.C B.3(7)
- Long_Binary, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(10)
- long_double, in Interfaces.C B.3(17)
- Long_Floating, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(9)
- Membership, in Ada.Strings A.4.1(6)
- Name, in System 13.7(4)
- Numeric, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(20)
- Packed_Decimal, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(12)
- Packed_Format, in Interfaces.COBOL B.4(26)
- Parameterless_Handler, in Ada.Interrupts C.3.2(2)
- Partition_ID, in System.RPC E.5(4)
- Picture, in Ada.Text_IO.Editing F.3.3(4)
- Picture, in Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Editing F.3.4(1)
- plain_char, in Interfaces.C B.3(11)
- Pointer, in Interfaces.C.Pointers B.3.2(5)
- ptrdiff_t, in Interfaces.C B.3(12)
- Root_Storage_Pool, in System.Storage_Pools 13.11(6)
- Root_Stream_Type, in Ada.Streams 13.13.1(3)
- Seconds_Count, in Ada.Real_Time D.8(15)
- short, in Interfaces.C B.3(7)
- signed_char, in Interfaces.C B.3(8)
- size_t, in Interfaces.C B.3(13)
- State, in Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random A.5.2(23)
- State, in Ada.Numerics.Float_Random A.5.2(11)
- Storage_Array, in System.Storage_Elements 13.7.1(5)
- Storage_Element, in System.Storage_Elements 13.7.1(5)
- Storage_Offset, in System.Storage_Elements 13.7.1(3)
- Stream_Access, in Ada.Streams.Stream_IO A.12.1(4)
- String, in Standard A.1(37)
- Suspension_Object, in Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control
- Tag, in Tags 3.9(6)
- Task_ID, in Ada.Task_Identification C.7.1(2)
- Time, in Ada.Calendar 9.6(10)
- Time, in Ada.Real_Time D.8(4)
- Time_Span, in Ada.Real_Time D.8(6)
- Trim_End, in Ada.Strings A.4.1(6)
- Truncation, in Ada.Strings A.4.1(6)
- Type_Set, in Ada.Text_IO A.10.1(7)
- Unbounded_String, in Ada.Strings.Unbounded A.4.5(4)
- unsigned, in Interfaces.C B.3(9)
- unsigned_char, in Interfaces.C B.3(10)
- unsigned_long, in Interfaces.C B.3(9)
- unsigned_short, in Interfaces.C B.3(9)
- wchar_array, in Interfaces.C B.3(33)
- wchar_t, in Interfaces.C B.3(30)
- Wide_Character, in Standard A.1(36)
- Wide_Character_Set, in Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps A.4.7(4)
- Wide_String, in Standard A.1(41)
- Last attribute
- 3.5(13), 3.6.2(5),
K(102), K(104)
- Last(N) attribute
- 3.6.2(6), K(100)
- last_bit
- 13.5.1(6)
- used 13.5.1(3), P(1)
- Last_Bit attribute
- 13.5.2(4), K(106)
- lateness
- D.9(12)
- Latin-1
- 3.5.2(2)
- Latin_1
- child of Ada.Characters A.3.3(3)
- layout
- aspect of representation 13.5(1)
- Layout_Error
- A.10.1(85), A.13(4)
- LC_German_Sharp_S
- A.3.3(24)
- LC_Icelandic_Eth
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_Icelandic_Thorn
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_A
- A.3.3(13), J.5(8)
- LC_A_Acute
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_A_Circumflex
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_A_Diaeresis
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_A_Grave
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_A_Ring
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_A_Tilde
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_AE_Diphthong
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_B
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_C
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_C_Cedilla
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_D
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_E
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_E_Acute
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_E_Circumflex
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_E_Diaeresis
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_E_Grave
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_F
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_G
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_H
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_I
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_I_Acute
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_I_Circumflex
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_I_Diaeresis
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_I_Grave
- A.3.3(25)
- LC_J
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_K
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_L
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_M
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_N
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_N_Tilde
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_O
- A.3.3(13)
- LC_O_Acute
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_O_Circumflex
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_O_Diaeresis
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_O_Grave
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_O_Oblique_Stroke
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_O_Tilde
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_P
- A.3.3(14)
- LC_Q
- A.3.3(14)
- LC_R
- A.3.3(14)
- LC_S
- A.3.3(14)
- LC_T
- A.3.3(14)
- LC_U
- A.3.3(14)
- LC_U_Acute
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_U_Circumflex
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_U_Diaeresis
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_U_Grave
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_V
- A.3.3(14)
- LC_W
- A.3.3(14)
- LC_X
- A.3.3(14)
- LC_Y
- A.3.3(14)
- LC_Y_Acute
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_Y_Diaeresis
- A.3.3(26)
- LC_Z
- A.3.3(14), J.5(8)
- Leading_Nonseparate
- B.4(23)
- Leading_Part attribute
- A.5.3(54), K(108)
- Leading_Separate
- B.4(23)
- leaving
- 7.6.1(3)
- left
- 7.6.1(3)
- left curly bracket
- 2.1(15)
- left parenthesis
- 2.1(15)
- left square bracket
- 2.1(15)
- Left_Angle_Quotation
- A.3.3(21)
- Left_Curly_Bracket
- A.3.3(14)
- Left_Parenthesis
- A.3.3(8)
- Left_Square_Bracket
- A.3.3(12)
- legal
- construct 1.1.2(27)
- partition 1.1.2(29)
- legality rules
- 1.1.2(27)
- length
- A.4.4(9), A.4.5(6),
B.4(34), B.4(39),
B.4(44), F.3.3(11)
- of a dimension of an array 3.6(13)
- of a one-dimensional array 3.6(13)
- Length attribute
- 3.6.2(9), K(117)
- Length(N) attribute
- 3.6.2(10), K(115)
- Length_Check
- 11.5(15)
- [partial] 4.5.1(8),
4.6(37), 4.6(52)
- Length_Error
- 12.1(24)
- Length_Range
- A.4.4(8)
- less than operator
- 4.4(1), 4.5.2(1)
- less than or equal operator
- 4.4(1), 4.5.2(1)
- less-than sign
- 2.1(15)
- Less_Than_Sign
- A.3.3(10)
- letter
- a category of Character A.3.2(24)
- Letter_Set
- A.4.6(4)
- letter_or_digit
- 2.3(3)
- used 2.3(2), P(1)
- Level
- 3.5.1(14)
- accessibility 3.10.2(3)
- library 3.10.2(22)
- lexical element
- 2.2(1)
- lexicographic order
- 4.5.2(26)
- LF
- A.3.3(5), J.5(4)
- library
- 10.1.4(9)
- informal introduction 10(2)
- library level
- 3.10.2(22)
- library unit
- 10.1(3), 10.1.1(9),
- informal introduction 10(2)
- See also language-defined library units
- library unit pragma
- 10.1.5(7)
- All_Calls_Remote E.2.3(6)
- categorization pragmas E.2(2)
- Elaborate_Body 10.2.1(24)
- Preelaborate 10.2.1(4)
- Pure 10.2.1(15)
- library_item
- 10.1.1(4)
- used 10.1.1(3), P(1)
- informal introduction 10(2)
- library_unit_body
- 10.1.1(7)
- used 10.1.1(4), P(1)
- library_unit_declaration
- 10.1.1(5)
- used 10.1.1(4), P(1)
- library_unit_renaming_declaration
- 10.1.1(6)
- used 10.1.1(4), P(1)
- lifetime
- 3.10.2(3)
- Light
- 3.5.1(14)
- Limit
- 3.3.1(33), 7.5(20)
- limited type
- 7.5(1), 7.5(3),
- becoming nonlimited 7.3.1(5),
- Limited_Controlled
- 7.6(7)
- line
- 2.2(2), 3.6(28),
- line terminator
- A.10(7)
- Line_Length
- A.10.1(25)
- Line_Size
- 3.5.4(34)
- Link
- 3.10.1(15), 12.5.4(8)
- link name
- B.1(35)
- link-time error
- See post-compilation error 1.1.2(29),
- Linker_Options pragma
- B.1(8), L(19)
- linking
- See partition building 10.2(2)
- List
- 7.3(24)
- List pragma
- 2.8(21), L(20)
- literal
- 3.9.1(13), 4.2(1)
- See also aggregate 4.3(1)
- based 2.4.2(1)
- decimal 2.4.1(1)
- numeric 2.4(1)
- little endian
- 13.5.3(2)
- load time
- C.4(3)
- Local
- 9.3(20)
- local to
- 8.1(14)
- Local_Coordinate
- 3.4(37)
- local_name
- 13.1(3)
- used 13.2(3), 13.3(2),
13.4(2), 13.5.1(2),
13.5.1(3), 13.11.3(3),
- B.1(5), B.1(6),
B.1(7), C.5(3), C.6(3),
C.6(4), C.6(5),
- E.4.1(3), L(3),
L(4), L(5), L(7),
L(8), L(9), L(13),
L(14), L(24),
- L(38), L(39),
- localization
- 3.5.2(4), 3.5.2(5)
- Lock
- D.12(9), D.12(10)
- locking policy
- D.3(6)
- Locking_Policy pragma
- D.3(3), L(21)
- Log
- A.5.1(4), G.1.2(3)
- Logical
- B.5(7)
- logical operator
- 4.5.1(2)
- See also not operator 4.5.6(3)
- logical_operator
- 4.5(2)
- Long
- 4.9(43), B.3(7)
- Long_Binary
- B.4(10)
- long_double
- B.3(17)
- Long_Float
- 3.5.7(15), 3.5.7(16),
- Long_Floating
- B.4(9)
- Long_Integer
- 3.5.4(22), 3.5.4(25),
- Look_Ahead
- A.10.1(43)
- loop parameter
- 5.5(6)
- loop_parameter_specification
- 5.5(4)
- used 5.5(3), P(1)
- loop_statement
- 5.5(2)
- used 5.1(5), P(1)
- low line
- 2.1(15)
- low-level programming
- C(1)
- Low_Limit
- 3.3.1(33)
- Low_Line
- A.3.3(12)
- Low_Order_First
- 13.5.3(2), B.4(25)
- lower bound
- of a range 3.5(4)
- lower-case letter
- a category of Character A.3.2(25)
- lower_case_identifier_letter
- 2.1(9)
- Lower_Case_Map
- A.4.6(5)
- Lower_Set
- A.4.6(4)
-- Email comments, additions, corrections, gripes, kudos, etc. to:
Magnus Kempe --
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Page last generated: 95-03-12